White Cliff Minerals is a mineral exploration company trading on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: WCN).
The Company recently completed its maiden field campaign across its Canadian Projects with assays evidencing abundant high grade mineralisation at scale.
White Cliff Minerals (ASX: WCN) is an energy metals company focused on the discovery of district scale, high grade and quality projects in tier one jurisdictions within historic and proven areas.
Led by its internationally experienced executive team that has significant frontier exploration, development, corporate and technical expertise, the Company has positioned itself with the right team, in the right locations with the right projects to deliver significant returns to shareholders.
Our projects in Canada include the Great Bear Lake Projects that has been recognised by the Northwest Territories Geoscience Government office as having the highest probability for the hosting of Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) Uranium plus Silver style mineralisation in Canada and the proven exceptionally high grade Rae Copper-Silver Project.