- The Project covers 272km2 of the highly prospective Cue goldfields, and consists of 1 Mining Licence, 5 Exploration Leases and 1 Prospecting permit
- The Pegasus/King Cole Project on the Mining Lease has a JORC 2012 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 779,000 tonnes at 1.7 g/t Au for 42,400 ounces at the Reedy South Gold Project, including:
- 6,600 ounces of Indicated Resources; and
- 35,800 ounces of Inferred Resources
- The style and controls of mineralisation are similar to the Triton-South Emu goldmine immediately north of the Project
- The MRE remains open along strike and at depth
- A high-resolution aeromagnetic survey was undertaken across the Reedy South tenement package in December 2020, consisting of ~6,100-line kilometres on 50m line spacing
- The results of the aeromagnetic survey were interpreted by CSA Global and incorporated into geological mapping
- Pegasus/King Cole, Cracker Jack and McCaskill Hill have been focused on by White Cliff with continued exploration potential existing
- Reedy Extended, Robin Well and Nallan Prospects are yet to be tested and remain strong geophysical / geological targets
Overview of Reedy South
The Project covers 272km 2 of the highly prospective Cue goldfields, centred on the southern portion of the prolific Reedy Shear Zone, within the Meekatharra-Wydgee greenstone belt.
The Project comprises one granted mining lease (M20/446) covering the historic underground workings of Pegasus and King Cole, 5 granted exploration tenements (E20/969, E20/971, E20/938 E20/972 & E20/974). and a prospecting license (P20/2289). The Project is situated 40km north of Cue, via the Great Northern Highway and is 80km south of Meekatharra.

The Reedy South Gold Project over simplified geology interpreted from airborne magnetics and mapping

Aeromagnetic survey across the Reedy South tenement package, highlighting the three key prospect areas associated with the Reedy and Burnakura Shear Zones
Reedy South (Pegasus/King Cole) Gold Project
Regional Geology
The Reedy gold deposits occur within a north-south trending greenstone belt, two to five km wide, composed of volcano-sedimentary sequences and separated multiphase pre to syn-tectonic granitoid complexes. Structurally controlled, the gold occurs at the sheared contacts of dolerite, basalt, ultramafic schist, quartz-feldspar porphyry and shale. The Reedy gold deposits occur within a major lineaments or structural corridors that corresponds to the RSZ along which gold mineralisation extends over 15km.
The RSZ zone is located on the western side of the Culculli Granitoid complex. Mineralisation along the RSZ has long been recognised as the most economically important. Two main mining centres are located along the RSZ: a northern centre including the Kurara and the Boomerang deposits and a southern centre hosting mineralisation at Jack Ryan, Missing Link, Rand, Triton and South Emu. The Reedy South Gold Project area is approximately 600m south of the Triton-South Emu Mine currently in operation for Westgold.
Local Geology
Mineralisation in the Mining Lease is hosted by the Reedy Shear Zone (RSZ) a localised dis-conformable contact between two greenstone groups. Anastomosing structures develop within the RSZ that focus fluid migration and gold mineralisation. Strong potassic-silicic-pyritic alteration is associated with gold mineralisation and localised within the footwall and hanging contacts of the 20m wide sub-vertical RSZ. Linear zones of more intense deformation appear to be important in the localisation of gold mineralisation within ultramafic zones often adjacent to mineralisation. Minor bucky quartz veining intrudes the shear and appears to run parallel to the shear zone.
Mineral Resource Estimate
White Cliff reported a maiden MRE of 779,000 tonnes at 1.7 g/t Au for 42,400 ounces of gold (refer announcement dated 29 October 2020). With the style and controls of mineralisation similar to the Triton-South Emu goldmine immediately north of the Project, White Cliff believe there is scope to substantially grow the resource at Reedy South through drilling at depth and along strike. (Refer Figure 3-5 which is an overview of drilling and representative cross section)

Cross section 1 looking north

Cross section 2 looking north

The McCaskill Hill Project showing Initial Target Zones with Au geochemistry on RTP1VD magnetic data.