The project area is accessed from the Lake King – Norseman Road which traverses through the area between the east and western portions of the Lake Tay Project area. The area is about 85 km east of the town of Lake King and 120km southwest of the town of Norseman, with access within the area via old exploration and fire-fighting tracks.

Regional Project Locations

Lake Tay Project area overlaid on Regional aeromagnetic data

Lake Tay, consists of 13 exploration licenses totalling 1,874.2km2

The entire project area is considered prospective for ionic clay hosted REE deposits, but remains significantly underexplored.

The project is ~50km northwest of Meeka Metals’ Cascade REE project

Shallow aircore drilling by Magnetic Resources NL in 2008 intersected a highly magnetic granitoid, with four metre composite samples returning highly anomalous REE results (only assayed for a partial suite – La, Ce, Dy, Er, Y), including:

  • 4m @ 1012ppm TREO, LTWAC-4, 28-32m

  • 5 holes of >500ppm TREO over 4m (ACLTWAC-4, 10, 17, TSLAC-2, 3, LTPAC-2)


The Lake Tay Project is located in the Phillips River Goldfield in the Southern Cross Domain of the Youanmi Terrane southern Yilgarn Craton. The region is underlain by granites, gneisses and migmatite which daylight rarely through the Quaternary cover. The migmatites represent much of the assimilated tail of the Lake Johnson greenstone belt.

The Quaternary cover is essentially sandplain with lateritic gravels, sandplain and gypsiferous aeolian sand cover peripheral to the salt lakes. It potentially masks sediments of the Eocene Plantagenet Group paleo valley fluvial sands and silts.

Historical exploration at Lake Tay

Whilst numerous old cleared grid exploration tracks exist in the project area, the only reported exploration within the area has been by Magnetic Resources NL and Uranex NL.

In 2006-2008, Magnetic Resources NL completed a shallow vertical air core drilling program of 34 holes for 1217m on several magnetic anomalies within the region. Samples were analysed for Au, Pt, As, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn and U in 4 metre downhole composites. A selected suite of 7 bottomhole samples were also analysed for Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Dy, Er, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Rb, Sr, Ti, Y and Zn. The targets were discrete magnetic anomalies within the basement.

Wamex records also report 11 vertical air core drill holes for 444m within the area of interest for roll front uranium by Uranex NL 2007-2011.  These holes were analysed for Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, U, Th, Ag, As, Mo and Ti.

Immediately south of the area of interest HD Mining and Investment 2014-15 targeted Au in the area completing a single diamond drill hole to with 6 assays for U only being undertaken.

Proposed work programs and Recent work

Reconnaissance soil samplinghas been undertaken and results are currently in at ALS,  the Company plans to undertake wide spaced aircore drill traverses along the numerous existing tracks, pending positive results.